Get More From PokerTracker 4 Course

3 ratings

A 77-minute Course Teaching You How to Efficiently Improve Your Skills With PokerTracker 4

Hello! Sky here from Smart Poker Study. 

This 9-Day Course will turn you into a PokerTracker 4 Journeyman.

I'm a huge fan of PokerTracker 4 and I've been using it since '06 (I think it was PT3 at the time).

For online players like us, PT4 is a must-use software. When we play a session, we turn on the "Get Hands While Playing" function and use the HUD in-game.

But many online players never go beyond this. They don't treat PT4 like the “must-understand” or “must-work-to-learn” software that it deserves to be.

There is so much more to PokerTracker 4 than just using the HUD for more info or to store a database of hands to track your stats and win rates.

This course gives you access to 77 minutes of PT4 instruction through 3 videos. I'm going to help you maximize your time with PT4 as I cover these topics through the 3 videos:

  • Reviewing Stats & Win Rates

  • Configuring the Reports

  • Running 13 Leak Exposing Filters (and saving them as Quick Filters)

  • Reviewing Hands to Find Mistakes

  • Drawing a HUD Blueprint

  • Focusing on ONE Statistic Daily

  • Learning the Statistical Definition, Formula and More

  • Reviewing Hands with a Statistical Focus

  • Playing with a Statistical Focus

  • Tagging Hands for Review

  • Running Reports

  • Utilizing LeakTracker to Plug Leaks and Learn Statistics

  • Using the Holdem Hand Range Visualizer

At the end of each video, I give you 3 or 4 action steps to take that will force you to practice what you just learned.

Speaking of practice, the 3 videos are built with "do as you consume" in mind, so you'll get the most out of them if you're clicking along with me in your own PT4 database as you watch.

My goal with this course is to turn you from a PT4 noob into a PT4 Journeyman who knows how to get the most from the #1 poker tracking software.

What You Get

You'll get a 22-page PDF that gives you access to the 3 videos along with action steps to take. 

I know you'll enjoy your time improving your game with the Get More From PokerTracker 4 Course.

This product is not currently for sale.

22-page PDF with access to 3 videos (77 minutes of "do as you consume" instruction) and 10 action steps

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430 KB
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Get More From PokerTracker 4 Course

3 ratings